Being confident with number - and able to tackle problems is not just about 'learning maths' - at Hunwick Primary School we see mathematics is a life skill. As such, we place great emphasis on helping all of our children to become number confident and able to enjoy the challenge and need for perseverance that mathematics presents.
Across our school, we follow the National Curriculum for mathematics (a link to which is detailed below). At our school we understand that mathematics is not only about getting 'sums' right or wrong - we see maths as an opportunity to develop key skills such as looking for patterns and generalising , showing curiosity and persevering, solving and posing problems then reflecting on learning and knowing the next steps.
At Hunwick Primary School we aim:
The content of the mathematics curriculum is divided into 10 parts, although younger years do not cover all parts, e.g. algebra is only formally introduced in Year 6.
Throughout the above content, children are focused on ‘Using and Applying’; children use the skills and knowledge they have gained in solving practical problems independently and with others to both learn and develop mathematical concepts. At Hunwick Primary School we use a variety of teaching and learning styles. Our principal aim is to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in Mathematics. We do this through a daily lesson that has a proportion of whole-class and group teaching. During these lessons, children experience a range of activities covering expected objectives and we encourage children to ask as well as answer mathematical questions. They have the opportunity to use a wide range of resources such as number lines, number squares, digit cards and small apparatus to support their work. Children use ICT in mathematics lessons where it will enhance their learning, as in modelling ideas and methods. Wherever possible we encourage children to use and apply their learning in other areas of the curriculum and in real life situations. Making links between curriculum subjects and areas of learning can deepen children’s understanding by providing opportunities to reinforce and enhance learning. It can enrich the curriculum and support achievement and enjoyment.
Children undertake five sessions of Mathematics per week including mental maths and tables; children are expected to know all their tables by Year 4. However, just as the English curriculum is embedded across all subjects, so is mathematics. From the collection analysis of 'real' data in science experiments, to the use of angles in controlling floor robots in computing, to simple counting in music - maths sits centrally at the heart of our curriculum alongside English.
Please see Class Pages for the medium term plan for Mathematics. Below is a document which outlines the National Curriculum for England for Mathematics, which includes year group expectations and examples of maths work from Years 1-6.